Monday, September 30, 2019

Persuasion, Manipulation, and Seduction

Persuasion, manipulation and seduction are best described as cousins in a family tree of a genealogy. Although each term is different in meaning the end result of each are the similar. Depending on the information and the intentions of the persuader, this is how we can tell the difference from persuasion, manipulation, and seduction; According to Codoban (2006), author of from persuasion to manipulation and seduction.PersuasionIt is almost impossible for people to avoid persuasion throughout the course of their day. If they listen to the radio or watch television, they encounter advertisements, news media and the opinions and values expressed by announcers, actors, show hosts and advertisers. If they go to work, they are likely to encounter persuasion from their boss, co-workers, or clients. If they share a home with other people, they are likely to engage is persuasion over what to eat, which television shows to watch or where to go for fun.Persuasion comes in many forms. Persuasion itself cannot be good or bad. By nature, it is neutral, until the intention of the persuader and the response of the persuadee are incorporated into the equation. It is only when put into practice and responded to that a particular persuasion can be considered positive or negative. For example, persuading a person to eat healthier foods is a good persuasion if you are genuinely concerned for their health, but doing so in order to evoke feelings of guilt or shame would be bad.Likewise, persuading someone to ride a roller coaster may seem harmless unless the persuadee is convinced to ignore medical complications or go against their will. There are some types of persuasion that, while they may not always be negative, usually carry a negative connotation. Two of these forms of persuasion are manipulation and seduction.ManipulationExample/Comparison A perfect example of the modern day persuasion, manipulation and seduction is when I politician is running for office. This is the most ful filling process to engage in. Your life becomes shared with thousands of people who want to see a different type of person. Someone whose qualities represent the values that society is supposed to represent. Someone that people aspire to become, or wish they were in life. In reality, the politician has no idea that they are going to possess the qualities of persuasion, manipulation and seduction.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reflective Account †Communication Essay

Whilst on shift one day I needed to ask my key resident Mr H what clothes he wanted to wear for that day. Mr H is very hard of hearing but refuses to wear a hearing aid as he states they make his ears sore. Mr H has no speech difficulties. Before I proceed with Mr H’s care I check his care plan where it is documented how he likes to be communicated with. Any changes to Mr H’s communication ability should be reported and documented straight onto a daily diary sheet and into his careplan where other staff members are able to see the changes noted. I then knock loudly on Mr H’s door so that he is aware of my prescence and await his reply, he called for me to ‘come in’. On entering the room I proceed to where Mr H is sitting on the side of his bed. I kneel close to him and make eye contact, I begin speaking to him slightly louder than I normally would talk, slowly and clearly ensuring I don’t imput too much information into my sentences that will make it difficult for Mr H to follow. I begin by saying ‘Good Morning’ to which Mr H replies the same clearly confirming he had heard me. I then ask him if he slept well to which he replied he had again confirming he had heard me. I then asked Mr H if he is ready to get washed and dressed, he didnt appear to hear me with no verbal response he tilted his head to the side and tapped his ear. This indicated to me that he had not heard what I had said. I gently put my hand on his to give him some reassurance and proceeded to repeat the question a little slower. Mr H nodded and smiled and verbally answered ‘yes’. Next I asked Mr H what clothing he would like to wear that day, to assist me in doing this I indicated to Mr H with my hands pointing to my eyes to watch what I was doing. I went over to his wardrobe and opened it and took out a selection of shirts and held them up for Mr H to see. he chose which he would like to wear by pointing at the shirt and verbally confirming the colour he had chosen, I repeated this process with both his trousers and sweatshirt. Mr H appeared happy with the way I was communicating with him as he smiled and nodded at me. I could tell if Mr H had understood or heard me correctly by his verbal responses and his facial expressions. Whilst communicating with Mr H I reviewed his hearing ability by making a mental note of the times he hadn’t heard me correctly and compared this with the previous day, at present Mr H’s hearing ability doesn’t appear to have changed, I recorded this in the communication section of Mr H’s care plan where others could see there were no changes at present. A short while later the nurse visited Mr H, to help support Mr H I privately, to ensure no breech of cofidentiality was broken, explained to the nurse the difficulties Mr H had with his hearing and explained to her the ways in which I communicate with Mr H in accordance to Mr H’s preferences documented in his care plan. They both appreciated this as there were no misunderstandings and they both fely more at ease with eachother. I then indicated to Mr H that I would leave them in private by pointing to the door and waving, Mr H nodded his understanding and waved back.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Does Hosseini Tell the Story in Chapter 17? Essay

Chapter 17 is potentially the most important chapter in the novel for structuring the shape of the narrative and may be seen as the turning point in the novel. During this chapter, Amir is handed a letter by Hassan writing about his son Sohrab and how life in Kabul has changed dramatically since he and Baba fled to America. Rahim Khan explains how Hassan and Farzana were killed by the Taliban and as his dying wish, Amir must go and rescue Sohrab. It is revealed that Baba is Hassan’s father, making him and Amir half brothers. Hosseini uses 3 different narrative voices in chapter 17 opposed to other chapters with just Amir narrating. This gives us a much more personal perspective into Hassan’s life, adds realism to the narrative and how corrupt Kabul has now become. ‘†¦suddenly a young Talib ran over and hit her on the thighs with his wooden stick’, contrasting hugely with Amir and Hassan’s childhood. Amir’s usual retrospective first person narrative is present however Hosseini also uses the present tense to make Hassan’s death more emotive as we can imagine it more vividly as a reader. ‘Hassan slumps to the asphalt, his life of unrequited loyalty drifting from him like the windblown kites he used to chase.’ Not only is this quote used so we can see Hassan dying but it links the whole novel together by using the recurring motif of kites, linking back to chapter 7 when he ‘chased’ the blue kite, and his ‘unrequited loyalty’ is evident throughout the majority of the novel, ‘Hassan never denied me anything’. Although Hassan’s death is foreshadowed however in chapter 16, ‘God help the Hazaras now’, Hosseini creates suspense and dramatic tension towards Hassan’s death by giving Amir the letter first before revealing his death, giving Amir hope and making the reader assume his journey to redempt ion would soon be over. ‘I dream that someday you will return to Kabul and re-visit the land of our childhood. If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you.’ This quote again creates a more dramatic and emotive response to Hassan’s death both from the reader and Amir after Hassan’s optimistic and promising letter. Hassan’s death is instrumental in shaping the narrative of the novel and is arguably the turning point as it forces Amir to seek his redemption and debt to Hassan to Sohrab. The reason Amir came to visit Pakistan in the first place was to apologise to Hassan and being the only person alive and able, ‘Now everyone in that photo was either dead or dying. Except for me’, Amir was the only one left to save Sohrab from the Taliban and Assef. Another key event in the chapter is the unveiling of Hassan’s true father, Baba. Amir reacts badly to the news and Hosseini portrays this using Westernised language to contrast with Rahim Khan’s traditional language. His anger is emphasised through the repetition of ‘you goddamn bastards’. This contrasts with the earlier chapters in the novel where Amir always speaks to Rahim Khan politely and with respect and could represent the influence America has had on him. Finding out that Hassan and he were half-brothers also makes his decision to save Sohrab even more crucial and makes the reader more anxious to see whether or not he will betray Hassan again or redeem himself. His decision to save Sohrab is foreshadowed in chapter 14 when General Tahiri says ‘blood is a powerful thing, bachem, never forget that’ suggesting that the bond of blood and brotherhood is so strong, Amir must save Sohrab, his own blood relative in order to fully complete his journey to redemption and atone for his sins.

Friday, September 27, 2019

In Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) Lord Atkin attempted to create a basic Essay

In Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) Lord Atkin attempted to create a basic principle which could be used in all cases to decide whether or not duty of care is owed t - Essay Example of Murphy v Brentwood DC3 overruled this two fold test laid out in Anns and the liability of a violater of a duty of care was assumed to go beyond merely monetary considerations. This is what finally led to the development of the duty of care owed by every person towards another as laid out in the case of Caparo v Dickman4, which is the foundation of most tort cases today, with some contractual breaches also falling under the tortious breach of duty of care. The case of Donaghue v Stevenson5 was one of the first cases to establish the fact that remedies could exist in tort on the basis that all owe â€Å"a duty of care† to â€Å"their neighbor† and Lord Tomlin stated that â€Å"†¦acts or omissions which any moral code would censure cannot in a practical world be treated so as to give a right to every person injured by them to demand relief.† On the basis of a moral principle that every person owes a duty to other people because they are neighbours, Lord Atkin refined this further by clarifying a duty of care that one owes to a neighbor as follows: â€Å"The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes in law, you must not injure your neighbour†¦.you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour.†6 The case of Donaghue laid out the general principle that since every person owed others a duty of care based upon the fact that they were neighbors, therefore any breach of that duty could prove to be adequate grounds for seeking damages. However, the criteria and qualifications of this duty of care were explored in the economic context in the case of Anns v Merton Borough London Council7 wherein it was held that economic losses caused by a breach of contract that occurred through negligence would be valid and actionable under tort law. A two way test was set out in this case as follows: (a) was there a sufficient neighbour relationship or a level of proximity between the two

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chapter review - Essay Example While the peacebuilding operations have gained pace, the studies with respect to the challenges and operations of peace building have also come into focus. They try to bring about therefore, a globalization of not merely the goods and services but the way a state should function. They promote democracy and free market mechanism. These standards are thus getting transmitted from the western regions (serving as the core) to the periphery (the nations undergoing reconstruction). This is the main point of argument in this research paper. The idea is not to proclaim that such globalization is not appropriate, but to focus on the perspectives of peacebuilding operations leading to promotion of a single kind of framework in terms of economy and administration. In this context, the activities of the peacebuilders might be related to the idea behind ‘mission civilisatrice’, which is the policy of civilizing the dependent countries followed by Europe during the colonial period. Th e analysis followed for the paper is qualitative in nature and secondary research method is followed to empirically show how the peace promoting organizations have promoted the liberal market democracies in the war-shattered nations. In the first section the author presents this empirical analysis and explains the mechanisms through which this process is put into action by the peacebuilders. In the second section the author first connects the idea of peacebuilding and that of ‘military civilisatrice’. Next, he associates peacebuilding operations with globalisation. The paper describes in the empirical analysis, how organizations like US Agency for International Development (USAID), The Organisation of American States (OAS) etc have promoted the western ideologies of liberal market democracy in peripheral countries like Namibia, Angola, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cambodia,

Definition of Queer in Relation to Gender and Sexuality Essay

Definition of Queer in Relation to Gender and Sexuality - Essay Example The theory seeks to address the definition of identities of different people who choose to hold onto values that society considers abnormal. Queer defines any behavior, act or approach related to gender, sex, sexuality and feminism that contradicts what society considers normal. The existing gender system is highly regarded by society and the normal class comprises only those who conform to societal values attached to gender. Society uses gender to define different aspects of sexuality. The current gender system faces some challenges because it is binary. One can only be male or female. The aspect of being male or female is used to judge the behavior of an individual as either acceptable in society or not. This brings about the issue of being normal, which is criticized by Warner. Warner challenges the need of homosexuals and transsexuals to receive a ‘normal’ tag from society. Currently, as a matter of fact, society only considers heterosexuals. The gay and lesbians in society face defamation and rejection. Society norms insist that they break the very rules of nature that should remain unbroken. They belong to a third gender, probably, because they defy the rules of the binary gender system that society esteems. Michael Warner challenges the use of the term ‘queer’ which, in his opinion, should be referred to those individuals who claim that sexuality is irrelevant but still strive to be regarded as normal. According to Warner’s critique, the society should reconsider the standards of what qualifies to be normal. He further challenges homosexuals and their Queer theory in a bid to receive the normal tag. According to him, issues of being normal or not only came about when man could keep statistics. Statistics of different aspects have led to determination of a normal value for such an aspect. A variety was acceptable in society before. Logically, each one of us deviates from the normal standards of a society in one way or anot her. Therefore, deviation from the norm should not give rise to shame, rebellion or self-defense. On top of that, Warner argues that society should not condemn to rejection and stigmatization those deviating from the norm (48). Bornstein, on the other hand, blames the stigma attached to those deviating from the societal norm which insists on the binary gender system. Bornstein asserts that the binary status of gender leaves an individual with no choice to express the self-cultivated ideals. It condemns one to conform to the system. In her opinion, society should drop the gender system that condemns one side to oppression and allows the other to enjoy privileges (Bornstein 111). Bornstein wishes society was more accommodating to the class of individuals who choose not to belong to any of the two gender options. She calls them a third class of people or transsexuals. Bornstein envisages a transgendered society in which humans will treat each other fairly, without oppression and superi ority. In her opinion, the future without gender will be a safer place for everyone in society. According to my definition, ‘queer’ refers to any form of expression and identity regarding gender that is not common in society. However, the standards of determining what is normal usually leave no space for self-expression and identity in an innovative way. Therefore, the ‘

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Crimes against humanity and genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Crimes against humanity and genocide - Essay Example The Holocaust does not begin with the first shots fired in 1939, or a charismatic leader whose speeches entranced the nation; it begins with a boy named Adolph Hitler. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Vienna Austria to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara. Hitler had a very difficult childhood, as his father was demanding and critical f his every move. He expected Hitler to follow his example and work for the Austrian government as he had. The young Hitler had bigger things in mind. He first wanted to become an artist, then an architect. He failed at both. Hitler soon found himself drifting and alone in Vienna. He could barely keep a regular job and would occasionally stay at a homeless shelter. Hitler came to hate Vienna, for it was a place that represented poverty and failure. In one f his writing's he told f how foreign the city seemed and how repelled he became from the whole mixture f people: Czech's, Poles, Serb's, Jews and more Jews. In the spring f 1912 Hitler left Aust ria and moved to Munich, Germany. In 1914, war broke out through most of Europe and Hitler quickly enlisted in the German army. Though he never rose above the rank f corporal, he nevertheless found a place for himself. In civilian, life he was a failed artist with few friends and virtually no social life. The war gave Hitler a place to outlet his fanatical German nationalism, for he believed in "Deutschland euber alles," or "Germany over all." (Lerner 1992, 21-30) In 1918 the unthinkable happened--Germany conceded defeat at the hands f the allies. Hitler's world literally fell apart, and he could not understand how the great German army could lose to supposedly "inferior" nations. Searching for someone to blame, Hitler settled on the Jews, the Communists, and the New Democratic Government. He concluded that these groups had "stabbed Germany in the back"(the holocaust pg 42) by handing information over to the allies which had lead to Germany's defeat. (Staub 1989, 31-36) By the mid 1920's, Hitler had joined and quickly rose to the top f a small political party called the German Workers Party. Hitler used his charismatic and persuasive personality to mold and shape the party to reflect certain views, especially German Nationalism and anti-Semitism. Hitler worked very hard to improve his party's image and in 1927 he changed the name to the National Socialist Party, also known as Nationalsozialistische, or the Nazi Party. Many people were beginning to realize that the Nazi's were a force to be reckoned with. (Porter 1982, 1-3) In 1932, Hitler ran for presidency but lost to Paul von Hindenburg, an aristocratic military commander. 1933 marked the great rise f Nazi Germany when Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the position f supreme German chancellor. (Hintin 2002, 1-7) The fire f the Reichstag, the German parliament, marked the day when all hope was lost. The Nazi's convinced most f Hindenburg that the cause f the fire was a communist uprising and Hindenburg agreed to sign an emergency decree to control the situation. This decree took away all individual freedoms and privileges and would grant Hitler the power to make his own laws without having to pass them through parliament. (Burleigh 1997, 25-27) The Jews were the ones who were beginning to feel the wrath f Hitler's oppression. Hitler began to pass many laws that forbade non-Jews to shop at Jewish owned

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Applicability of the Principles of Empowerment and Recovery of the Essay

Applicability of the Principles of Empowerment and Recovery of the Mentally Ill in Practice - Essay Example There are many types of mental illnesses including: bipolarity, depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia among others. 1.0 Scenario One afternoon, a man in his late 20s was brought in for medical attention. For the purpose of confidentiality, we shall name him Andrew (not his real name). Andrew could not keep still and he kept on moving from one point to another, talking to imaginary people. The people who brought him to the hospital were his colleagues at work, who claimed that he had become very hostile, attacking everyone at the office and accusing them of trying to ruin his life. They claimed that he had also started talking to himself and repeatedly saying â€Å"they want to kill me†. Andrew was immediately taken to the psychiatrist ward for examination, while I was instructed to get more information about his actions from his colleagues. The workmates told me that in last few months, they had observed some abnormal behavior in their col league, but had dismissed the actions. For example, he would show up at work late, looking tired and had started withdrawing from his workmates. They also claimed that he could no longer meet deadlines and that he often did substandard work. After the discussion with the patients’ colleagues, I called his family before going to check on the progress of the patient. The psychiatrist informed me that they had sedated him to ease his agitation. I explained to him all the observances noted by Andrew’s colleagues and the doctor suspected that this could be a case of schizophrenia. As we were talking, Andrew’s wife and sister came in looking very worried. The doctor explained the patient’s condition to them and asked them to offer any information they deemed useful. The wife explained how Andrew a father of two and an accountant had started acting weird about the same time the previous year. He would often withdraw from his wife and children, he would become ea sily agitated if the children did anything wrong, and would act unmoved even if the children cried for attention. The wife also explained how in recent days Andrew had become very attentive to the safety of his family, claiming that someone was out to harm them. He would lock all the doors and constantly look out through the window to see whether someone was watching them. Andrew’s sister also explained how as a teenager, Andrew had suddenly lost all zeal for life. He no longer engaged in activities he had previously enjoyed. She explained that Andrew stopped playing rugby; his social life degenerated and he became withdrawn from his family. He did not seem to have any direction in life; neither did he know what career he wanted. Meanwhile his family attributed all this to adolescence and hoped it would pass. They did not expect Andrew’s condition to deteriorate to the present situation; neither did they attribute it to a mental disorder. At this point it was absolutel y clear that indeed Andrew was suffering from undifferentiated schizophrenia. When Andrew woke up he was much quieter and seemed to act more normally, except that he denied ever doing all the things that his colleagues had pointed out. He was not ready to face up to the fact that he was mentally ill and was still in denial. According to Warner (2004) it is common for people suffering from schizophrenia to deny their mental condition. Later on, the psychiatrist asked if I wanted to be involved in empowering Andrew to recover from his illness and I was

Monday, September 23, 2019

Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Markets - Essay Example Under financial discussions & research, options fall under a particular style or family. Theoretically speaking, the style or the family of options refers to a class that signifies the category into which that particular option comes under. The options are generally verified & studied by analyzing the dates on which these options may be exercised. Such options come under the purview of the European & American Styles. There are many more types of options available. The similarity between all of them is that they come under the 'Vanilla Options' wherein, the options are evaluated on the basis of the payoff. There are also numerous Non-Vanilla options such as the Russian & the Asian options. The proposed research is aimed at studying the various arbitrage options that fall under the Asian option. Under the proposed research, there are a number of issues that are planned to be studied. The first & the foremost would be to perform an analysis & assessment of the various techniques that have been devised for assessing the Asian option. The study of these techniques is very important in order to assess each one for its effectiveness & compare & contrast between all of them for their numerous features & capabilities. ... The reason why this topic is being studied is that though there are numerous techniques available for determining the payback, none of them is able to provide a clear-cut & a fully observable solution. This is because the evaluation of the Partial Differential Equations (PDE) involves a certain degree of adjustments in terms of the areas being evaluated under the integrals that varies with each technique. Nevertheless, numerous options have been devised that tend to improve the degree of efficiency and accuracy with which these options can be worked out.Some of the techniques that are proposed to be covered under the proposed research are discussed below: Roger & Shi's one-dimensional Model: This model is suitable for both fixed & floating Asian options. This method uses the Strike & the average value of a stock over a time period for the evaluation of the PDE. But there are certain problems with this technique that need to be investigated. Jan vecer technique: this method falls under the traded account option wherein the gains & losses from trading are evaluated using a special Partial Differential Equation. The PDE for this model takes into account the rate of reinvestment as well as the trading strategy with the intent of maximizing the price of agreement. Under the Asian option, the payoff is calculated as a function of the stock & the strike value. Monte-Carlo Approach: this approach is adopted when the dimensional space is larger than usual wherein the share of price is evaluated by the Black & Scholes model while the price of an asset has been given Lapeyre & Temam. This model utilized the standard Brownian motion & additionally

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why “Baes” Never Stay Essay Example for Free

Why â€Å"Baes† Never Stay Essay Teen romance is like a minefield – very few make it through completely unscathed, and the path is often strewn with the shrapnel of countless broken hearts. According to common wisdom, the reason behind all this affliction is because teenagers are capricious creatures who lack the maturity to resolve relationship issues. However, maturity is not the only key factor playing into why teen couples just are not staying together happily. Social media pressures young people to be in constant contact with one another, meaning they can constantly monitor the other. Maturity and social media are large factors in the way many relationships play out nowadays, but the same people writing articles about the topic are the ones forgetting the most important factor; communication. Building an emotional relationship and being able to relate and interact with your partner is the foundation to a truly satisfying and healthy relationship. We live in the age of social networking, and in the past few years, technology and turned both our world and the way we talk to others completely around. There are both good sides and bad sides to such advancements and changes, as one should expect. Since words are typed onto a screen rather than spoken face to face, it is extremely easy to misunderstand words, as there is very little contest surrounding them. Such facts can cause one member of the relationship to mistake a statement one said to make it seem like something else, therefore an argument occurs. Jealously among teenagers is quite ridiculous. Fifteen years ago, one would not have to worry about whether or not their significant other would make them their â€Å"Man Crush Monday† or â€Å"Woman Crush Wednesday† nor would they get upset if the same person didn’t text them back within half a minute. There was no â€Å"relationship status† on the internet, no reason to question their lover’s loyalty over who â€Å"liked† their pictures. The teenagers of the current generation see the problem, in fact, 75% of a surveyed group agreed that social media can affect relationships with others (Quiet Voice 1). Social media and relationships can go hand in hand at times, for traveling  spouses overseas or a family member away at college. Unless you are mature enough and already have the emotional connection with your partner, I would not rely on a computer to run your relationship. Maturity plays a major role in the success and the demise of relationships. Maturity influences a person’s ability to truly commit to a relationship for life and understand that commitment implies giving up all other partner choices. So as a teenager, not many understand the concept of maturity and trust. Certain life experiences they receive along the way can help them realize such things. High school relationships can be categorized into three different categories: Those who care about themselves intentionally, those who care about themselves unintentionally, and those who care about the other person. The ones who care about themselves intentionally are the ones who date strictly for the relationship and the title, not the other person. In a case like this one, 0% of the relationships survive because essentially, it was not a relationship to begin with. Caring about yourself unintentionally is one thought that usually would not cross your mind. It is a difficult category, as not many always see it. You will catch yourself saying â€Å"Oh ___, I love the way you make me feel! You make me so happy!† Person A claims to care about Person B, when I reality they are truly just trying to satisfy their own personal needs. Finally, those who care about the other person. When you can truly say you have reached this stage, you have gained the independence and the maturity to maintain a steady and committed relationship. The high school sweethearts, married for over fifty years now, are the teenagers who made the decision to be committed and responsible young adults, taking the lead over others their age at the time, but setting an example that yes, it can be done. Communication allows us to share interests, aspirations, and concerns with ones we care about. Good communication is about the way we talk and listen, and about our body language (Better Health 2). Healthy relationships rely on the fundamental of communication. When people stop interacting well, they stop relating to each other, and it can cause them to disconnect. It is much easier to face problems when you have the ability to talk through them with each other. Being in a relationship in high school should not have to be  stressful, one should be able to laugh and just enjoy each other’s company. The main problem in our generation of teenagers is that we seem to have lost the mannerism of actually speaking to one another. 83% of teens break up over text message rather than face to face (Stay Teen 1). When relationships or even friendships are conducted primarily through texting, the context of the conversation is stripped off all personal aspect. As a whole, teenagers must learn the important characteristics of communication and how interacting well with others will almost always lead to a healthy and loving relationship. A strong, healthy bond with someone you truly care about can be one of the best supports in your life. It improves all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, mind, and your connections with others as well. Your significant other can be your best friend, and you will have many adventures and maintain a fun relationship with the one you love. Works Cited The Good And the Bad: How Social Networks Affect Our Relationships †¢ Domain .ME Blog. Domain ME Blog The Good And the Bad How Social Networks Affect Our Relationships Comments. N.p., 02 Sept. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. Lyness, DArcy, PhD. Love and Romance. N.p., May 2013. Web. Stay Teen | Home. Stay Teen | Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. The Quiet Voice. The Quiet Voice. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. Home | Better Health Channel. Home | Better Health Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. Lifehacker Australia. Lifehacker Australia. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. Home: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center. Home: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Soft System Methodology

Soft System Methodology Andrzej Werner   Soft System Methodology can be described as a 7-step process aimed to help provide a solution to real life problematic situation caused by two different perceptions by implementing defensible and sensible models for comparison with the situation in real life in order to assist in making decisions or recommendations as to the solution or response for the problem. Those models are referred to as Conceptual models, those models logically represent what steps needs to be undertaken, in order to achieve desired effect stated in root definitions which are created based on the roles, norms and values taken from the identified problem. In another words conceptual models are models that show what a good standard looks like as to compare it with the real life situation to see what needs to be done to achieve that good quality standard. (Burge 1-14) A Law firm by the name of Crane, Poole and Schmidt is a professional law company with 15 years of experience; their reputation is well known as one of the law firms with unbeatable and compassionate lawyers.   In order to keep on top of the competitors, the companys IT department requires upgrading their infrastructure to be more efficient and reliable for research and documents to be exchanged. However the company is limited in the amount of money they can spend on the upgrade and cloud computing alternatives are not cheap. In order to develop accurate conceptual models for comparison of different possible solutions to the situation, first the problem has to be identified by recognizing the roles, norms and values for the people involved within the problem. In case of Crane, Poole and Schmidt the IT department wants to upgrade their infrastructure in order to benefit from the could-computing increasing the company efficiency, productivity and income. As Crane, Poole and Schmidt would be the first company to adopt could-computing technologies, that would give them a significant advantage and more modern approach over competitor companies. The first step is to identify the roles; those roles are social positions being involved within the problem. Those roles are categorized by expected norms or behaviors in it, which is judged by the local values or standards that the person within the position of the role needs to achieve and accomplish. (Checkland 13-328) Role Board of directors   CEO The role of the Board of directors CEO is to manage the firm as well as conclude board meetings in case of larger scale decisions such as upgrade of the IT infrastructure within the Company. They are also responsible for any major contractors and partner companies, as well as conducting and applying new strategies to be ahead of the competitors in their profession. This board is also responsible for granting permissions to any larger scale projects within the company, as well as allowing the required/allocated budget and resources. Norms The standard norms that Board of directors with the CEO should perform include: To carefully analyze the need for a change or the upgrade or the company Monitor financial aspects and act accordingly to the companys best interest Make informed decisions within the best interest of the company Values The values which the role should perform are for the greater good of company so the Board of directors with the CEO will be judged based on the local standards or values: Allocate appropriate budget for the projects Make correct decisions for approval and disapproval, when it comes to projects within the company, strategies used to stay on top of the competitors and/or choice of partners with the firm Role System Analyst The system analyst is responsible for analyzing the current system and its implications, and what could be done to improve it. System analyst will analyze the current system, then design and implement new IT infrastructure. This role is very vital for the upgrade of the IT infrastructure because system analyst will design and implement upgraded IT infrastructure, including both software and hardware requirements. Norms A system analyst has certain norms that his role requires to perform, these norms include: Study the current infrastructure to identify its strong and weak points Design a new infrastructure with necessary hardware and software requirements Implement and test new infrastructure and report back to the IT Department Administrator Values As for the values which the role is expected to achieve, are as follows: Managing the upgrade within the deadline Managing the upgrade within a given budget Reviewing the progress of the implementation Determine possible options for the upgrade, including hardware and software requirements. Communication with the IT department and third-party online cloud based solutions. Role IT Department Administrator The administrator of the IT department (henceforth admin) is a crucial role to a company; because the administration department is responsible for smooth flow of information between different departments within the company. The role of administrator of any department comes with specific responsibilities which need to be fulfilled. In this case: managing the IT department, any projects that incorporate the IT department, manage the performance of department and its impact on the company, as well as managing the approved budget for the department and IT infrastructure of the company. (Mishra) Norms With the role of an admin of a department there are specific norms that the role should exhibit, these involve: To be able to improve employees capability to manage and organize the workplace in professional and effective manner Advance a suitable assets management approach Advance a suitable workplace management approach Capable of creating administrative procedures Capable of planning and controlling given budget for the department Values A role of administrator also requires specific values to be achieved by occupant of that role. As for the occupant of the role these values are what the occupant is judged on. The occupant needs to be able to manage and plan budget well for the department Admin also is required to manage the department to ensure professional and efficient working standard Admin is also required to ensure the IT infrastructure of the firm is working without any complications Role Financial Manager The role of a financial manager is to be responsible for financial condition of the company; their job involves data analysis and advising senior managers on different strategies for maximizing the company profit. The financial manager will be responsible for calculating the budget for the upgrade of the IT infrastructure; they will calculate costs for upgrade of the infrastructure but also the estimated savings achieved by this upgrade. (Derweesh, Schnitzer and Stettin) Norms The standards that the financial manager must achieve in his performance are as follows: Organize business motion reports and financial statements Ensure legal requirements are achieved by observing over the financial details Assist the management in financial judgments Analyze company financial records and position and seek a new strategies for cost reduction Perform analysis of the market to spot potential possibilities for increase of the company and obtaining new companies Values A role of financial manager is not easy and often requires working in-collaboration with executives group, CEOs and administrative boards. This role is assessed by certain values which include: Financial condition of the firm Net income of the company Costs and Cost reduction strategies Making sure that all of the legal requirements are met for any transaction performed by the company. Role End-user The end-user group is a role in which the employees of the firm, is a role that is important where each employee is doing their designated tasks in order to improve the growth, efficiency and functionality of the firm. Those employees are using the companys IT infrastructure on daily basis changing it will also have a specific impact on those end-users. Norms Norms that belong to end-user role are: Performing their part in the company and professionally and efficiently deal with the tasks assigned Be responsible for customer data safety and integrity Use the company IT services for work on daily basis Values The values which this role should exhibit are: Perform the job/task professionally, ethically, lawfully and efficiently Work with customers and their data Always represent company in a good name Do not use companys IT services for reasons not associated with work Role Third-Party Companies Another role involved with this upgrade is third-party cloud companies,   which will be used in the upgrade of the infrastructure. Those companies occupy a role where they are responsible for providing cloud-based service to the company and all of its employees, as well as ensuring the safety of the firm and customer data. Norms The norms that this role should exhibit are as follows: 99.9% uptime of the servers and the service Good data security Good customer support Variable price range and different package options Good back-up and disaster recovery planning Values This role also has its values which need to be achieved in order to be recognized as a professional company and service in the industry. Those values are what the companies providing the service are judged on, these include: Uptime of the servers providing the service Amount of security breaches the company has had Techniques for security of the data Price being comparable to the competitors Quality of the customer support Quality of the service Rich Picture The root definitions are used to logically figure out what steps the company will need to undertake, to achieve the desired outcome of the definition. The root definition comes from CATWOE analysis which consists of six stages, including; client, actors, transformation, world view, owner and environment. (Simonsen 1-18), (Williams 1-20) C Client As the receiving party, client in this scenario are the end-users of the system (employees using the current IT infrastructure), the main issue that the client has is that they are comfortable with the current IT infrastructure and they do not want any changes, additionally the end-users are not happy that they have to go through additional training to get used to new system while dealing with the customers. Even though the clients like the idea of a cloud based infrastructure, they are afraid about their ability to perform their tasks on a new system, thinking that the company will increase its profits while the employees will have to work with new and unfamiliar infrastructure. A Actors The actors are the roles which will perform the Transformation (T), people involved in the upgrade of the IT infrastructure are the board of directors and CEOs, IT department admin, financial manager and system analyst. The impact which they will experience is additional work for most of the sides, as well as additional costs to higher system analyst and the budget for the upgrade. The final decision is going to be made by the board of directors and CEOs whether the upgrade is possible/ required or neither. The actors which work in the company may not be happy about additional costs and work, however they know the reason for this upgrade is to constantly stand out above the competitors, at the same time they see benefits for the work flow within the company. T- Transformation The process of transformation in this case is the process of taking inputs which are the opinions of the employees as to see what they think about the cloud based infrastructure and transforming that into the system requirements for the end-users. As well as taking current IT system hardware and software resources and transforming them into an extra budget for the upgrade, what resources are needed and which can be sold that decision will be made by the IT department administrator. The overall budget will be allocated by the board of directors and CEOs influenced by the opinion from the financial manager. In order for the transformation to be successful certain steps need to be undertaken. First step would be for the CEOs to decide whether the upgrade is required or not, after which they would consult with the financial manager which could calculate estimated budget available for the upgrade. The approval for the upgrade along with the budget would be given to the admin of the IT department which then will be required to employ system analyst who will handle the upgrade within the estimated budget, and they will be responsible for finding system requirements by obtaining opinion from the end-users. System analyst will also be required to deal with 3rd party cloud service providers. (Simonsen 1-18) The output from this transformation will be increased working efficiency as the end-users will be able to perform some of the tasks in the comfort of their own home; additionally the reduction in hardware will increase company income as well as reduction in the personnel due to surplus to requirements will increase the company savings. The admin of the IT department will then develop a training program for the end-users. W World View The upgrade of the IT infrastructure is necessary for the company to stand out above the competitor in the industry, overall increasing the company productivity and profits. In a greater scheme of things, law firms are very strict about their working ethics and are not keen for any big changes as this could have an impact not only on the working efficiency of the employees but also on the customers which put trust into the company. As technology progresses increasing the benefits for many businesses, law firms also need to adapt to stay within the market and be viable to the target audience. In the bigger picture companies with a fast and reliable IT system can process and handle more customers at once increasing the profit, however as law firms are recognized as very respectful companies any mistakes made can have a dramatic impact on the customer basis and their trust. The wider impact of the solution is to not only increase company profit by upgrading to cloud but also to reduce hardware resources in effect becoming more eco-friendly, allowing the employees to work from home by connecting to cloud services as a result increasing the area of work to work with more customers, aside from cost and staff reduction the company will be noticeable as more modern with the same professional and ethical approach which will increase its popularity with the industry. O Owner The owner which is responsible for the upgrade and the IT system is the admin of the IT department, however the main owner are the CEOs of the firm, ultimately every bigger decision goes through them and they decide what to do as they give out the permission for the process and the budget. The owner is limited in the amount of assistance they can provide due to dealing with other projects, contracts and competitors, they can provide the permission for the upgrade and the budget but the rest of decision making and responsibility lies with the admin of the IT department. If the main owner would be constantly changing their mind on the allocated budget or the admin of the IT department would not be able to implement and manage the new system that could get in the way. However with a good level of communication with the CEOs is kept and all the benefits along with the design of the new system would be presented to them, that could potentially lead the owner to help out even more by for example making the budget more flexible. E Environment When it comes to changes within the system and how to company operates there are environmental constraints that need to be fellfield, these can range from simple in company rules/ guidelines to legislations and regulations necessary for the company lawful functionality. There are current laws and regulations which the company has to follow such as Data Protection Act 1998, Legal Services Act 2007, the Health and Safety Act 1974 and Companies Act 2006. All of those regulations and legislations are in place as the firm is responsible for protecting and promoting the public interest. Aside from the laws and regulations already in place, in order to perform transformation processes there are environmental aspects to take into consideration when picking partners which will provide the service. As the law firms deals with not only the company data but also customer data, when performing the upgrade the service provides should ensure the full Safe Harbour agreement if any or all information would be stored outside the EEA. The service provider also should ensure that the communication between the employees that are working on the move is secured, as well as the provider should ensure 24h access to the service. Additionally the service should have compliance with ISO 20071 and must include requirements of the SRA Code of Conduct. Root definition One A system administered by the admin of the IT department owned by CEOs Crane, Poole and Schmidt, requires upgrade due to the system being slow and not secure. Upgrading to cloud based alternatives would sort out the matter of security as well as storage. By upgrading to cloud computing as a result there will be a reduction of human resources in the office allowing the end-users to travel to client locations increasing in company productivity, reputation and services. Because of the transformation certain new legislations and policy comes into place, not only keeping the use of service for professional and ethical reasons, ensuring data integrity by following Data Protection Act 1998 and ensure that no end-user will breach regulations such as Computer Misuse Act 1990. By moving into the cloud computing some new challenges could be created where some of the customer basis could have a doubt about their private data being stored somewhere in an unknown location. Using the service providers that are based only within the EEA is a must as it ensures data protection laws additionally the service provider should ideally also follow SRA Code of Conduct. However another way to ease those in doubt would be to implement a hybrid system where some of the data is stored locally and some of the data is stored on secure servers in the cloud. Also the use of encryption software to automatically encrypt company documents and customer data would put additional level of security in place. (Burge 1-14) C Client As a client in this case customers are the main recipients of the benefit from the upgrade of the infrastructure as they will be able appointments done not only in the office but also over the internet and in the comfort of their own home. The employees will be able to carry their data and files with them to the customer location and present all the information there by accessing the company data, stored on a secure server in the cloud. A Actors As for the people performing the transformation, actors include the main directors and CEOs which will be able to approve and provide the budget for the upgrade, financial manager will assist CEOs in budget allocation and admin of the IT department with budget management. The admin will be responsible for management of the upgrade and training for the end-users, he will also employ a system analyst for advice and guidance during the upgrade. T Transformation Transformation is focused on reduction of the redundant resources and implementing a cloud-based infrastructure which will be used by end-users to do the honors for the customers, increasing the employee productivity, company income and customer satisfaction. The entities responsible for the upgrade are the admin of the IT department with the assistance of system analyst and financial manager. Another important factor of the transformation is the review of the performance and income to be able to take improvement action to constantly improve. W World View A good and well respected company in the industry always has to take into consideration their impact and opinion on society, target audience, customers and other parties. Cloud computing is a new technology that grows rapidly, enabling companies to be more flexible in their line of work and benefiting customers by delivering the service to them, additionally reduction in hardware resources will also make the company more eco-friendly. O Owner The real owner of this project is the board of directors CEOs as they make the main and final decisions for the well health being of the company, they are also the entity that has the complete control over the budget designated for the upgrade. By providing sufficient budget and approval for the upgrade the owner assists the actors and improves company reputation, income and efficiency. E Environment As for the environment variable which affect the impacts the upgrade and the company are law legislations, guidelines and regulations which the company has to ensure in order to develop and maintain professional trust with the customers and partners. These legislations would include Data Protection Act 1998, Health and Safety Act 1974 and Legal Services Act 2007. Additionally the company should ensure that the service providers will follow appropriate laws and regulations, such as SRA Code of Conduct (Solicitors Regulation Authority) and ISO 2007/1 guidelines. Root definition Two A system owned by the law firm Crane, Poole and Schmidt, which is under the supervision of the administrator of the IT department serves the end-users which deal with customers on daily basis increasing the company reputation and income. The upgrade of the system is necessary to increase the company productivity and efficiency, by expanding to cloud computing the firm and its employees can work from anywhere at any given time increases the customer base and enhancing the companys productivity and efficiency. As dealing with customer data is crucial for the company functionality, data integrity has to be kept and all of the legislations and regulations to do with the business and customer relations and data have to be followed. (Williams 1-20), (Burge 1-14) (Williams 1-20), (Checkland 13-328) Burge, Stuart. An Overview Of The Soft Systems Methodology. 1st ed. Burge Hughes Walsh, 2015. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. Checkland, Peter. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. 1st ed. Chichester: Wiley, 2002. Print. Derweesh, Zayd, Tom Schnitzer, and Jessie Stettin. The Role Of Financial Managers. Boundless. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2017. Mishra, Pankaj. Effective Role Of Administration In An Organization. N.p., 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. Simonsen, Jesper. Soft Systems Methodology. 1st ed. semanticscholar, 1994. Web. 9 Mar. 2017. Williams, Bob. Rich Pictures And CATWOE: Simple Yet Powerful Scope-Modelling Techniques. 1st ed. bobwilliams, 2005. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact Of Security Risks On E Commerce Information Technology Essay

Impact Of Security Risks On E Commerce Information Technology Essay A security risk often can be represented as the event that compromises the assets, operations of an organization. The impact of the security risks is different on different kind of systems depending on the environment in which they are being utilized. That mean the impact on server systems is different to that of the impact on the client systems. Because of its openness and convenience Internet has become the biggest and most important market for people to do business and transactions. The security risks are mainly due to Intruders, viruses, worms, Trojans which have their own impact on the data systems. So here the scope of this research paper covers the security issues and their impact on the e-commerce. This focuses on a risk in case of e-commerce and it is defined as a function by security business professionals and the impact on the systems because of various security threats and vulnerabilities with real time examples and scenarios. These security issues are basically consists of various vicious attacks, these attacks, from a technical view can be sort into some categories; Loss of Confidentiality, Loss of Integrity, Loss of Availability, Loss of Accountability. And there are some threats that affect the computer systems such as; Web Server threats, Database threats, Programming threats, Threats to physical security of Web Servers which also affects the e-commerce. INDEX Introduction Risk in e-commerce Risk as a function Literature review Findings and discussions on typical Impact of risks on e-commerce systems Conclusion References 1.Introduction: With the development of Internet is still on the fast track even after the .COM bubble burst, more and more companies, enterprises especially small and medium size companies came to realize the opportunity that electronic commerce can brought to them. Therefore, they are trying to catch up with those forth goes in this area. In the meantime, quite a lot of companies that are in the leading position of e-commerce implementation are caring more on how to strategically avoid, reduce and manage the potential risks behind the   e-commerce  stage. Here this paper narrates; what is a risk in case of e-commerce? How it is defined as a function by security business professionals? What is the impact on the systems because of various security threats and vulnerabilities with real time examples and scenarios? In early days of using computer systems, most of the systems are standalone and the security was accomplished by the physical controls over the access to the computers. Burglar alarms, alarmed doors, security guards, security badges, cameras allowed the people to the most secured and sensitive areas. The interaction with the systems at that time is very less and its confined to very limited numbers i.e. to enter the data, manipulate it. The network of the systems is also confined to limited number of terminals and the security of it is in the hands of a limited persons. But now the condition has changed extra-ordinarily that millions of people around the globe are able to access to the network at a single moment of time effectively. So as the information from one place is being accessed by someone in another place over the computer networks, the security issue arises. Lots and lots of sensitive information are being accessed over the both private and public networks. So along with the fast growing technology the security threats are also increasing day to day. 2. Risk in e-commerce: What is risk in case of e-commerce? A risk may be defined as a security breach in which there might be a loss or theft of some information or assets containing the secret issues. The E-commerce systems are depending upon internet use, which provides open, flexible and provides a way for easy communications on a global basis. However, may be because of any reason the internet is unregulated, unmanaged and uncontrolled, so it posses many and wide range of risks and threats which in turn will affect with a great impact to the systems operating on it. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the main risks which are associated with e-commerce concern intruders, hackers, viruses, worms and interception of credit card numbers which are passing over the telecommunication lines or channels.  These risks can lead to the events resulting in the deliberate or inadvertent loss of many assets and this deliberate loss of assets can result from disclosing of the information, fraud, and deliberate disruption of service.   3. Risk is a function of three factors: Risk as a function Most of the security professionals will see that risk is a function of three primary factors: threats; vulnerabilities; and their business impact. Combining all these provides a standard formula for the risk that is often used in security and business continuity planning. So, E-commerce has had a big impact on all these three factors. Threats: Threats are naturally increased with the exposure. The more exposed a system is to people or other systems, the greater will be the odds that someone or something or some system will attack that system like Cyber squatting, Eavesdropping, Web Jacking, Denial of service attacks. E-commerce magnifies this exposure of systems by making various business services available via the Internet or other kind of networks and by integrating them with the back-office systems, such as some softwares, mainframes and by using enterprise resource planning software. Vulnerabilities: Vulnerabilities are those which increase with complexity. If the system is more complex, then there would be a greater likelihood of software defects, system defects or configuration defects/flaws that make that system susceptible to compromise. E-commerce increases complexity by promoting the more use of Web services, distributed databases, security zones, multi-tiered applications and other sophisticated technologies. Impact: Here comes the main subject of this research paper, the impact can be of any type-business or personal. Business impact is the one which increases with the business value of the system, as well as the amount or the length of time the system is compromised during an attack. There is some relationship that exists between these-business impact, its value and length of time of attack. The relationship between business impact and its value is almost linear, where as the relationship between business impact and the length of time is very rarely linear i.e. the maximum loss of the information or anything may be incurred instantaneously. For example, consider an attacker may steal the information of 100 credit card numbers and the associated customer profiles very quickly after compromising a banks or financial institutions database server. Here the E-commerce affects the business and its value directly on bottom line. 4. Literature Review: While the concept of e-commerce is no longer be considered as a new concept, an important part of E-commerce which is still relatively new is the issues of security risks that greatly affect the economy of the e-commerce business that directly connects with the customers to sell the products and services. The main trend in the E-commerce is to rely greatly and heavily on the network of computers connecting with all the databases. And they have the ability to provide a connection directly with the customers regardless of location and in the way that builds loyal and trust relationships between a customer and seller. However, it is important to examine a full range of issues related to the e-commerce strategy of the security risks as a way to attempt to connect with customers and increase their revenues. There are issues such as the issue of the impact of the security risks due to viruses, worms, bugs, attacks, frauds around the world, and even the way in which these attacks and frauds on the e-commerce systems affecting the revenue and making the trust of customers towards the business sites to decrease to a great extent. The information about the actual success of e-commerce methods and strategies that are based around business networking and an idea that the customers insight has been reduced because of the ease with which people can communicate will also is examined. In this review of the recent academic literature regarding E-commerce related to the use and impact of security risks and frauds, information about the reduction of customers insight into the commerce websites due to frauds and the impact on E-commerce strategies due to which the revenue is reduced is also reviewed. Even more, with the academic literature that is seen and reviewed, the strategies and variables that are very important for E-commerce companies i.e. how the security risks will affect the revenue and how the customers lost their information due to frauds will also be discussed. 5. Findings and discussions on typical Impact of risks on e-commerce systems: There are various threats to the e-commerce systems: threats posed to files, databases by viruses, Trojans, botnets etc, card payment frauds, malicious attacks from in and out of the business, hacker threats etc. So now we see the findings based on the function of the risks i.e. we see threats like web bugs, active content, integrity threats: Cyber vandalism, spoofing , Necessity threats: denial of service, web server threats, database threats and vulnerabilities and the impact of them on their business and systems. Impact by Trojans, viruses and botnets- Viruses and worms are the computer programs that spread across the computers and networks by making multiple copies of themselves i.e. usually without the knowledge of a computer or system user. A Trojan horse is a type of program which appears to be a legitimate but it actually contains another type of program or block of undesired malicious, infected code, disguised and hidden in a block of the desirable code. It can be used to infect a computer with a virus. A back-door Trojan is a program that allows a remote user or hacker to bypass the normal access controls of a computer and gain unauthorized control over it. Typically, the virus is used to place a back-door Trojan into a computer, and once it is online, the person who sent that Trojan can run programs on the infected computer, access personal files, and modify and upload files. So these merely affect the computer systems which are involved in the transactions, these by installing themse lves into the computers make some mess with the data in it or make it vulnerable for other type of attacks and in case of a Trojan the impact is very high that the attacker can bypass the access to the resources for the unauthorized use. Example: There has been a new wave of malware attack that has started affecting BlackBerry and it has originated from Poland. The aim is to extract banking passwords. So by this the attackers can affect the e-commerce transactions by using the credit card or bank details. A botnet is one of the infected vaults which are a group of infected, remotely-controlled computers. The hacker sends out a virus, Trojan or worm to ordinary computers. These computers can then be used to launch denial of service attacks, distribute spam e-mails and commit click fraud, identity theft and thefts of log-in details and credit card numbers. The impact due to the web bugs makes the user or customer to feel bad about some companies which involve e-commerce. This is because the attackers who attack with web bugs gains the information of the ISPs of the system, so the web bugs are introduced in the e-mails and makes that e-mail address a valid one. Active content is the content which is used by the e-commerce sites to display their items, perform check out tasks and calculate tax and shipping information etc. This active content may include java applets and java scripts. Many websites have the options to control the active content but despite the attacker use this active content to impose their code into the website. By this the attacker can do a mess with the content of the website and can gain some private information about the customers. So the impact is very risky that the users details such as the card details etc can be by passed to other attackers terminal. The impact of the Cyber vandalism is very bad that the customer may get disgusted by the web site presence which in turn makes the customer never come back to this web site thereby decreasing the business of this website. This is because the attacker will replace or defaces the content of the website with his own content such as with porn content. So this cyber vandalism made a serious dent in the customer confidence in internet based e-commerce. This is a type of integrity attack in which the impact is majorly on the information present in the website. Example: When the Internet was new for the home users, the young hackers would gleefully deface websites; they break into corporate, e-commerce computer networks and try to outdo each other at how much mischief they could cause for the corporate networks, looking for fame among their contemporaries.  (Husted, 2011) Spoofing is another type of attack by which many websites are victims and its impact is great on the economy of the e-commerce websites. In this type of attack the perpetrators make use of the loop holes in the DNS servers and make their fictitious website as a real and original website to spoof the website visitors, so when the visitors have submitted their credit card details or any private information the attackers use these details to order the items and make them to ship to other addresses. Even the big e-commerce companies such as, AOL, eBay are the victims of this attack. Example: Recently many of the individuals are getting the e-mails that found to be legitimate from the original e-commerce websites such as Dell, Amazon that these e-mails will encourage the victims to click and submit usernames, passwords and some of their private information like card details, so then boom, they are spoofed i.e. the attackers now use their credit card details and can do all the mess which may be expected. The impact of the Denial of Service on the e-commerce is great that the websites which are attacked with this delay in service cannot handle the requests given by the customers thereby decreasing the sales and commerce. The attackers will keep the central server that handles the request very busy by sending the inappropriate requests. This makes the customers of a particular e-commerce website disgusting and they automatically go for the other competitor website. This can also be seen in the credit card payment gateway in the websites making the customers waiting for longer times and leave the website. Example: On December 8, 2010, a group called anonymous launched a Denial of Service attack on organizations such as,  PayPal,  and  Post Finance and made the payment gateways as dead for many hours irritating the customers of many e-commerce websites.( Addley, Esther; Halliday, Josh, 2010) The web servers threats also had a great bad impact on the e-commerce business. Actually the web servers are responsible for delivering the web pages upon the request through http protocols. So here when there are vulnerabilities the attackers will do mess and in affect the e-commerce business degrades. Web servers can compromise the security by prompting the users to enter their usernames and passwords when the user visits multiple pages in the same web servers protected area. The passwords that the user selects can be a threat. They select the simple passwords. If the file containing the private details is compromised, an intruder can enter into the privileged areas, and obtain the usernames and passwords. The database threats also pose a great impact on the e-commerce business. Besides storing the information the database servers also connected to the web servers which contain valuable private information that could damage the whole company irreparably if disclosed or altered. And most of the database servers rely on the username and password security that if compromised can cause a great impact on the whole website. Generally the database that contains the usernames and passwords are encrypted but some of the databases of some companys may not be encrypted, so if the unauthorized users obtain the authorization information then they can masquerade as the original database users and can get the confidential and potential valuable information like bank details etc. Once if the database of a certain company is compromised then the attackers may play with these details that they can use the card details and can buy the things they want in the e-commerce websites and can ship to their addr esses. The impact by Server Root exploits refer to techniques that gain a super user access to the server. This has a very big impact on the e-business because it is the most coveted type of attack and the possibilities are limitless i.e. the attacker can play what he wants. When the attacker attacks a shopper or his personal computer, he can only affect that single individual. But with this kind of root exploit, the attacker can gain control of the merchants, sellers and all the shoppers information that has links with the site. The attacker uses are two main types of root exploits: buffer overflow attacks and executing scripts against a server. The consequences may be very high that the attacker can do a mess with the website. In a buffer overflow attack, the hacker here takes the advantage of a specific type of computer program may be a bug that involves the allocation of storage of information during the program execution. This technique involves tricking of the server into executing a code written by an attacker. The other technique uses the knowledge of scripts that are executed by the server. This step is easily and freely found in the programming guides for the server. The attacker then tries to write the scripts in URL of a browser to retrieve information from his server. This type of technique is frequently used when the attacker is trying to retrieve data from the servers database and after getting he or she may misuse the details of the users who shop through online. This will intern make the customers not to visit the particular site again as they got crapped by it. Example: AS MANY as 9000 New Zealanders may have had their credit card and personal details stolen after a Lush cosmetics website was hacked. This company has urged its online customers in New Zealand and Australia to contact their banks to discuss cancelling their credit cards (Rogers, 2011). In 2007, IC3 Internet Crime and Complaint Center received 219,553 complaints that totaled $239,090,000 in financial losses in the form of assets or in form of theft. The average loss per complaint is around a $1000. C:UsersBharathDesktop2007_ic3report.jpg Source: Internet Crime and Complaint Center 2007 Report 6.Conclusion: This article outlined the key security attacks and impacts in an E-commerce system. The Current technology allows for secure website design. The rise of users identity theft and the fraud that attackers do and it has long been seen as a threat to e-commerce revenue growth. With the complaints of identity theft, loss of private information and phishing attacks on the rise, many customers may shy away from buying goods and services online. It is up to the site developing team to be both proactive and reactive in handling the security threats to reduce the high impact on the e-commerce business, and up to the shopper to be more responsible and vigilant when shopping online.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities :: essays papers

Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dicken’s Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities are two of the greatest English novels ever written. One chronicles the twists and turns of the life of a young man named Pip while the other serves as an account of the story of one family during the French Revolution. In both novels, there are contrasts between characters that are representative of the themes of the novels. In Great Expectations, the themes are good vs. evil and guilt vs. innocence, while in A Tale of Two Cities the main themes are resurrection and revolution. However, the theme of good vs. evil is a theme common to the two books and there are contrasts between characters in both books that represent this theme. The characters include Madame Defarge and Miss Pross, and Carton and Darnay, from A Tale of Two Cities, Orlick and Joe, and Magwitch and Miss Havisham, from Great Expectations. A Tale of Two Cities is set in France during the 1780’s, a very tumultuous time in the history of the French nation, when the lower classes were rebelling against the oppression, and unfair rights and privileges of the upper classes. It was during this time that France was transformed from a divine right monarchy into a republic, following the execution of King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. Dickens gives his own impressions of French society at the time through his narration of the story. His distaste for the extravagance and greed of the French upper-class is apparent in his description of the powerful aristocrat entertaining other aristocrats. He depicts the wastefulness of the aristocrats, and their use of servants, while the poor lack even a means of subsistence. Although Dickens gives compassionate descriptions of the poor, such as when the Marquis is passing through his town, and the deplorable conditions in which they lived in Saint Antoine, he nevertheless also displays his aversion to the mobs of Paris. In his description of the courtroom that Darnay was being tried in, Dickens portrayed the crowd to be â€Å"blueflies† – flies that feed on dead bodies. This simile implies that the mob finds joy in death, regardless of the innocence or guilt of the person being hanged. His view of mobs is also evident when Jerry Cruncher joins a mob of people following Roger Cly’s body, and riots with them for fun.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Essay -- Essays Papers

Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Encounter and history: Escherichia coli are gram negative, rod shaped bacteria that are often used in laboratory studies and are usually harmless, residing in the human digestive tract as part of the normal flora. E. coli 0157:H7 is a pathogenic strain of E. coli that was first identified as a cause of disease in the United States in 1982, during an investigation into an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness. The organism is also called enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) because it causes abdominal pain with diarrhea that may contain blood. It lives in the intestines of healthy cattle and can contaminate meat during slaughter. It is believed that the widespread use of antibiotics by American farmers has promoted the horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogenicity islands that has led to the creation of new pathogenic strains such as E. coli 0157:H7. The verotoxins that cause the disease are also called shiga toxins because they were acquired from Shigella strains. The illness predomi nantly occurs in the U.S., Canada, Japan and other industrialized nations of Europe. The average incidence in most countries ranges from 1-30 per 100,000 and the number of confirmed cases is increasing. In the U.S, about 73,000 people are infected anually, with an average of 61 deaths per year. Entry, Spread and Multiplication: After food contaminated with E. coli 0157:H7 is ingested, it travels through the digestive system and attaches to the mucosal epithelial cells of the large intestine and forms a pedestal, which leads to destruction of the microvili. The bacteria will then multipy and produce toxins, which, in addition to diarrhea cause vomiting in 50% of cases and fever in 30%. The av... ...ays to prevent contamination of EHEC during the growth, slaughter, proccesing of beef. A vaccine for cattle is not practical because the bacteria do not cause illness in cattle and therefore do not stimulate their immune response. It is recommended that physicians have any patient with bloody diarrhea tested for EHEC. There are a variety of ways to detect it in the laboratory. It is possible to screen for EHEC by inoculating stool specimens onto MacConkey medium containing sorbitol instead of lactose. PCR tests for verotoxin are also available. References:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Into The Wild Essay

Into the Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, an unrealistic risk-taker who died in Alaska near Denali National Park after hiking alone unprepared. Journalist Jon Krakauer wrote this story as one of courage; however, many Alaskans considered it one of arrogance and foolish self-absorption. Chris grew up in wealthy Annandale, Virginia, his parents both successful federal consultants. Strong-willed and intensely idealistic, he amassed physical skills as if training to become Superman. As captain of the high school cross-country team, he drove them as â€Å"Road Warriors† in overly demanding training. Disenchanted with Annandale materialism, Chris dropped out of society, refusing to become a cog in a societal machine and feeling that man can live without machines and society. He declined Phi Beta Kappa membership, named himself Alexander Supertramp and went to Alaska. Influenced by London and Thoreau, he planned to live outdoors by his wits, not learning anything about Alaska first (he felt he knew enough). Because of the amount of corruption in US society and the dishonest dealings I’ve seen in every job I have ever worked, I want to drop out like Chris. However, Chris’s grandiose self-image overtook his idealism, preventing him from thinking to prepare for an Alaskan adventure. He committed suicide by stupidity, because he was educated enough to know to prepare himself. He died just 20 miles from the Parks Highway in the summertime, because he had no map or compass. I feel that technology is full of tool that I can use, and I will run it, but not allow it to run me or allow others to run me into the ground in a meaningless job that uses technology. Thus, I would use technology to prepare myself to live well without the stress, via telecommuting perhaps. Ray Krok ruined this nation with his â€Å"fast food† mentality in which you hire people at minimum wage, run them as hard as you can, and fire them when they get tired. I saw that my first day on a job at McDonalds and that changed my life forever. That mentality is now everywhere in the workplace. I want to drop out of this society, but I will use technology to do so, not walk into a wilderness unprepared. The internet and libraries house anything I want to learn, and I will do so. Chris was not able to form long-term relationships. He hated his parents for being cogs in the federal machine, and rejected advice and offers of supplies from Alaskan friends. This resulted in a lonely, painful, and preventable death. However, I am will not repeat his mistakes. Chris had assumed he could forage for food and hunt game forever, but decided to leave. However, he found his trail blocked by the rushing Teklanika River in its summer cycle. He could have found that out at the library. His body was found in the sleeping bag his mother made. Krakauer believes Chris died from eating the wild potato seeds that contain an alkaloid that prevents the body from using much-needed glucose. Had he prepared himself with research, he could have survived. Instead, he wasted not only a moose he shot and could not use, but also his own life, and hurt his friends and family by rejecting them. Using technology today, I feel this is not necessary. I can work alone on a computer and relate to others with a cell phone or on the internet, so I can drop in and out almost at will and I will be satisfied with that. REFERENCES Jon Krakauer, Jon. Into The Wild. Anchor. 1997.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Film Critique The Queen Essay

Movie roles performed by high caliber actors and actresses of living icons are always the hardest to portray. Helen Mirren’s portrayal of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, has given us an amazing resemblance (although without as much effects and make-up the resemblance ended) and an in-depth visual and emotional recognition of the British royal who was considered to be so distant and ethereal. I am more than glad that the Reston Multiplex Movie Theatre was comparably filled with older adults than the usual teenage movie goers so I was afforded the chance to concentrate on the film. Generally, the film may not appeal to the younger audience for its lack of pound for pound action and intrigue. However it does gives us an idea of how the British monarchy behaves, as the apex of the British class system. We seldom see portrayals that are free from bias especially when the subjects are as famous and influential as the Queen and her family. But the events that catapulted them into the public eye may have relieved them of their tight bond to maintain their feelings to themselves. Diana’s death has given us glimpses into their private lives which the Queen vehemently tried to seclude her family from the curious and even blatant questions of the public and the press. We see how the Queen reacted and tried in earnest to maintain her stance and tradition to shy away from the camera and the public even as the image-conscious PM Tony Blair continued to cajole the Queen and her family out of their shells. It has also given us an insight to the life the British Royal couple has led all these years which shows support for each other and a husband who is willing to stay behind the shadow of his wife and yet live admirably together in harmony. The family’s traditional and puritan values saw the British monarch trying to distance herself away from the prying eye of the media upon news of Diana’s death. The queen’s immediate concerns were for the â€Å"boys† alone after learning of the tradgedy while vacationing at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. Apparently Diana had fallen off from the royal family to warrant the kind of behavior and almost distant hatred even after learning the news of her accidental death. Public sentiment against the monarchy grew as the Queen and family continued to be absent from the public eye even as Britain grieved for the death of their princess. Seemingly, Diana had been closer to the Britons because she showed what it was like to live a fairy tale life in the beginning and showed to the world that the monarchy was not as invincible as it seems. Profoundly Diana has created a breathing, real life princess capable of feelings thereby creating a certain link of reality to the masses and thereby showing that the monarchy was no different from anyone. Eventually as grief poured, sentiments against the monarchy grew, which PM Tony Blair handled superbly thereby surging his popularity in tune with the national mood. He became closer to the British public and the world. His continued calls for the queen and the family to at least make statements were left ignored at first with Lord Mountbatten (James Cromwell) seemingly disgruntled over PM Blair’s (Michael Sheen) insistence. The Queen explained her position to Blair that Diana lost her relation to the royal family when she divorced her son, the Prince of Wales and insisted that mourning should be a private matter handled by her own family and not by the British Crown. Later on, the Queen who was known to stick to her principle gave in after mistakenly assuming that the public sentiment will slowly ebb over time. After so much criticism from the British tabloids for failing to offer any sign of condolence, and advice from Blair on how the royals should conduct out of public respect, the Queen finally gave in despite disagreement from her mother and gave a speech praising Diana’s life and work. The British flag was also allowed to fly at half mast and a public funeral was hosted in memory of Diana. The queen was then pushed into public view as Mirren’s brilliant performance showed her exact reaction while coming out to look at the flowers in front of the curious British public who was equally assailed with mixed emotions. It was a moment that I held my breath because I had seen the actual a dozen times on television and hardly noticed any difference. The scene showed Elizabeth’s graceful human side and strength both at the same time. Her candid response to the flowers given to her showed her awe that revealed her human nature that no amount of pretense a queen could mask. In effect, the movie was critical of the monarchy but candid and transparent in its portrayal that was sometimes funny and empathic. It evoked the true nature of the royal family’s behavior and sometimes leaves us questions of their simplicity or sarcasm in public statements. Martin Sheen’s portrayal of a young and enthusiastic Tony Blair also showed a generous amount of political set-up reminiscent of the time when PM Blair suddenly gained massive popularity following Diana’s death. His behavior was indeed fitted with the contemporary mixture of grief that called for human decency and respect during Diana’s death which the royal family had mixed initial feelings of. In summary, the movie showed to the world the importance of adapting to change as opposed to the views of rigid tradition which could have led to stagnation. It also showed us that family traditions and values are being questioned in the face of common contemporary behavior and modes. Public figures are always subjected to observation and ridicule because the public always love to know how public icons behave in the face of adversities and criticize any actions for consumption. The Queen (2006) Movie. Starring Helen Mirren as the Queen Elizabeth II; James Cromwell as Lord Mountbatten and Martin Sheen as PM Tony Blair.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

FFA & Pro Golf Case study

They came from no official agency agreement – legally, an agent is someone who has authority to create legal relations between a person known as a ‘principal' (In this case Pro Golf) and others – o an official trademark agreement – which Is a contract under which the owner of a copyright (in this case Pro Golf), allows a licensee (here FAA) to use, make, or sell copies of the original brand. This changes make us understand the strong link between the companies and their willing to increase their cooperation. However, FAA decided to sub-license the trademark to another Japanese company for the aim to making more money.Issues The fact that FAA decided to sub-license the trademark in order to make margin on loyalties incited Pro Golf to end the contract. The termination of the contract by Pro Golf incited FAA to sew them for breaching of contract. Was Pro Golf entitled to terminate the contract with FAA? Rules â€Å"Contracts that do not state a set length of time for termination are presumptively â€Å"at will† and may be terminated by either party at any time. † Court's decision Considering that the contract between Pro Golf and FAA does not mention any set length, they should be entitled to end the contract whenever they want to.Pro Golf re entitled to terminate the contract with FAA. Was Pro Golf entitled to royalties received for Teeth sales? During those 6 years , Pro Golf and Facilitation evolved. They came from no official relations between a person known as a ‘principal' (in this case Pro Golf) and others – to an official trademark agreement – which is a contract under which the owner of a FAA got a new opportunity to increase its benefit through getting higher royalties by Sub-licensing the trademark to Teeth Was Pro Golf entitled to royalties received forTeeth sales? This is Just a trademark agreement, they are no agency relationship between companies. The company can use the trademark on golf soft goods in Japan freely. Application of Rules Because the two companies made a trademark agreement, FAA can use the trademark on golf soft goods in Japan freely and sub-license the contractual rights. No Agency relationship between Pro Golf and FAA was engaged but rather a written trademark agreement for FAA to use the First Flight trademark on golf soft goods. Courts in the U. S. E reluctant to impose restrictions on assigning of rights in real or personal property; FAA here has a contractual right to use the trademark on golf soft goods in Japan and can freely transfer, assign, or sub-license all or part of those contractual rights. Nothing in Fast trademark license contract with Pro Golf prohibited FAA from granting sub-licenses to others or required FAA to pass along to Pro Golf any royalties FAA might receive from such subsequences. Was Pro Golf entitled to reimbursement for its attempts to perfect trademark rights in Japan?When Pro Golf heard its attempt to register the tr ademark in Japan had not been completely successful and that third parties had obtained the right to use the trademark in Japan, they terminated the contract. The termination of the contract by Pro Golf incited FAA to sew them for breaching of contract. Pro Golf counterclaims and ask for reimbursement for damages equals to its expenditure. Was Pro Golf entitled to reimbursement for its attempts to perfect trademark rights in Japan? In Japan, the rules are different than in the United States.Third parties are able to et registration without use, in the contrary than in the USA where registration is basically synonym for legal protection of a trademark. As FAA is operating under Japanese rule, it should not be responsible to payback Pro Golf for its own failure. In Japan, unlike the U. S. , registration is the critical factor for legal protection of a trademark. Third parties were able to get registration without use, and Pro Golf apparently had to buy them off. Its failure to do so i s not the fault of FAA, nor should FAA be responsible to reimburse Pro Golf for its own failure.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Long and Short Term Goals Paper Essay

I picked this theme for my first essay because it goes in tune with why we are all pursuing our education. I believe that everyone that what’s to feel accomplishment in live needs to have a short and long term goals. It is our driving force of what we want to become and where we want to be in any given point of our life and careers. We cannot just go through the motion of doing something, because we will never achieve what we want or who we want to become. We have to map out our goals in life, no matter what they are. My specific goal (both short and long term) is to obtain my BBA. Although for most it might not be that much since more and more professionals have at least two BBA’s and a Master degree, for me this is what I have always wanted. There have been too many detours in my life that have kept me from obtaining my BBA. I have made this what I want for my own self satisfaction. This is my holy grail until I graduate from University of Phoenix within the next two years. I have set my time for my assignments and study time in order to obtain my BBA. At least 4 or 5 times during the week I will go over my assignments so that I understand each subject correctly and it also helps me prepare for any upcoming tests. I have made my family part of my goal so that they understand how important this is to me and why I need to have my time to study and read. For this goal to come true, I have identified a space in my home where I can concentrate and do my assignments without any interruptions. I believe that everyone should have a private area where they can retreat work on whatever project they have with as little interruptions as possible. Since part of my long term goal is to graduate with a GPA of 4.00, it is  important to be able to maintain my dedication to my schedule and not deviate from it. I have to maintain my focus on this objective and try to do my best. I also want to continue my education towards my Master’s degree. If I keep to my action plan and keep this objective in mind, I know that I will achieve all my goals. You have to identify your objective, map out your goal and then go for it with all your dedication and will and never look back. Everything is possible in life if you keep at it and never give in to the easy things in life. Anything worth having will always be the most difficult to obtain.

Friday, September 13, 2019

First line Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

First line Managment - Essay Example Various studies have postulated that most executives and first line managers tend to be unaware of the various issues until they come out of hand and become a crisis that is very complicated and hard to resolve. Most of these can be avoided only through learning of the skills that enable the first line managers implement strategies for ongoing employee performance success though on the general it is necessary that companies or the groups have a game plan intact. Amongst the issues affecting performance include the working environments, the attitude of the employees towards the organization and the management in general, employees morale and most importantly the leadership style of the organization as regards to addressing employees grievances (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). 1.1 The manager’s role in identifying performance issues in a team Various studies have indicated that the act of holding employees accountable has proved to be the most effective in ensuring consistency in cl arity for performance expectations. This has been propagated as the most important element necessary for motivating work environment. For the managers, a career defining moment for most managers arises during instances where decisions are to be made as regards to addressing or opting to ignore the performance problems. The first step role the manager in identifying performance issues in a team includes devising parameters for performance. When a manager knows what is expected of his employees, then he is in a better position of determining whether the employees are able to reach their targets or not (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). When the manager sets the parameter s for a desirable behaviour or performance, the important thing to keep in view is on how poor performance or undesirable behaviour has effects on not only the organization, but also the employees and the customers. This plays a significant role in enabling the manager has a clear view of the desirable behaviour thus conseq uently placing him in a better position to analyze the employees’ performance. However, the manager should be very keen while analysing performance so that focus is not given to people issues but instead on their performance. Previous researches have shown that employing a subjective view during performance analysis might lead to confrontations between the manager and the employees. When performance problems are identified early, it plays a significant role in helping both the manager and the employee to reach an amicable solution to most of the problems. The main reason behind is on the manager who is entitled with the responsibility of leading the process and coming up with a solution that will initiate a positive development that will in the end benefit the employees and the organization as a whole. It should always never be forgotten that the main purpose of the process has always been to resolve the problem and be a valued employee. 1.2 How to evaluate individual and tea m performance and behaviours Performance evaluation has proved to be important in providing employers with an opportunity to establish their employees’ behaviour and determine their contribution to the organization which is critical to developing a powerful work team. Numerous